A Prayer for Those Who Are . . . Homophobic (Perhaps Not Even Aware)
For a full explanation as to the background of these poems, go the my entry on January 16, 2011. This "link" should take you there
They say I am normal.
I feel I am normal.
I wonder what it normal.
It does not matter if I know at this point or not.
I do know this:
I have been guilty of treating another human being
in a manner which is not pleasing to You.
I do not know why I do this.
Maybe I am afraid of what I do not understand.
Remind me how Jesus treated those who were rejected by others.
Help me to be more like Jesus.
Help me to love like Jesus.
I do not have to accept what I disagree with,
but I must love the other person.
I do not have to condone actions,
but I must care for them as persons.
Help me Father to be strong where I need to be strong,
and loving where I need to be loving.
Help me to be able to know how to blend strength and love.
Help me to fully grasp and understand the difference.
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