
Monday, December 05, 2016

Nostaligia and My Hometown

Kay and I were shopping yesterday at the mall and passed by the sheets and towels section. There, as big as all get out, were Cannon sheets and towels.
They were originally manufactured in the town in grew up in, which was named for the company - Kannapolis, NC. While in college, "I served my time," and worked in Cannon Mills for 3 years. In the early 90's they closed down all plants (I forget how many) and moved overseas putting close to 20,000 people out of work and decimating the town that is only now recovering.
On the back of the sheets it was printed "Made in China." I have no beef with buying foreign made products; I do all the time. In truth, there is no such thing in the global economy as an "American made product." Everything is impacted worldwide by the technology to manufacture it, the supplies, the infrastructure, something. But seeing those textile products and realizing the impact that move made upon my entire family was a little disconcerting. That is true even though I moved away in 1976, completed my education elsewhere in three other institutions, have spent my entire career and lived in three other states since then.
"You can take the boy out of the country," so the saying goes. It is true, I have always kept close tabs on what takes place there and look forward to my visits. Kannapolis will always be a part of me and who I am. Maybe when I die, I will have my ashes slung around the downtown "Idiot Circle where I and my idiot friend spent many a Friday and Saturday eveninng.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Elections 2016

I love that we have elections. I love the opportunity we have to vote for representatives in this country, some of whom actually turn out to be leaders. I have seldom missed an opportunity to exercise that voting privilege since I was 18, even when I had to hold my nose while I voted. If you study our nation's history, you will see that "election season" has always been, shall we say, less than civil. Sometimes in the 1800's it was ugly and downright mean in ways that far surpass what we see in our era of attacking another person while remaining politically correct in our word choice.

That being said, I really dislike the 6 solid months of posturing by men/women of power seeking the one thing that men/women of power have always sought . . . more power. Issues are raised and ignored, on pretenses quite often, when in reality most often it appears it just about getting elected.

In an attempt to view this from a theological perspective, I pose the following question for personal pondering: Are we seeing ourselves played out before our eyes? Are we simultaneously seeing both the image of God that is in all of humanity and the depravity of humanity that comes from what sin has done to all of us displayed right before our eyes in a very public manner?

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Resurrection Says

Resurrection says the old way is not the way it has to be any longer.

Where do you doubt today?
  • Is it in the search for a job? Have you sent out so many resumes that the postal service is thinking of setting up a branch office in your house? Are you starting to give up and are starting to doubt that God is able? I disagree, because I believer in resurrection.
  • Are the financial issues in your home so bad that you are totally embarrassed to let anyone know and you have come to the point where you just do not believe God cares either. You now think there is no hope. I say there is hope, because I believe in resurrection.
  • Is there a health related issue – and everyone knows a miracle is the only way it will be come out right? Maybe you have given up all hope. I again say there is hope, because I believe in resurrection.
  • Do you have a child that is in trouble and you are growing weary of asking God to redeem the situation? You now believe that you are going to live your life with a prodigal child. I say do not give up hope, because I believe in resurrection. The prodigal did return.
  • Is there a relational issue in your life that is in need of healing – and you doubt God can handle it? Maybe it is with a family member, or a co-worker, or a neighbor. Maybe your marriage is on the rocks and you are ready to throw in the towel. I say, “Do not do it!” Relationships can be healed. Because I believe in resurrection.
  • Maybe you have been waiting for God to send you a mate or a child and you now are ready to not only give up on that, but you are ready to give up on God caring about it? I say, do not give up, because I believe in resurrection.
  • Have you finally come to the point where you need to make a decision regarding Jesus? Is it possible that you should make Easter 2016 the day you placed faith in Jesus? I say do it, because I believe in resurrection.
Resurrection means the old way of doing things is no more!

As one pastor says, “On that Sunday morning, it is as if Jesus says, ‘HA! You didn’t see that one coming did you?!’”

Resurrection says churches do not have to be the way they were. You can change. You do not have to do exact same things the same way. Just because you did this before you not have to do it again. There is hope to move on and have a future.

Resurrection says, if death has been conquered, then what other old way of doing things needs to be conquered. What else has been taking place that need no longer take place? What other issue in your life is in such disarray that you no longer believe it can be repaired. Resurrection says, “You are wrong! Anything is possible now!”

Resurrection says, “If I can rise from the dead, I can handle whatever it is you are dealing with. If I can conquer death, I can take care of your problem!”

Saturday, January 16, 2016


My how things change.

My how changes affect how you view life  . . . and God.

My how influences you permit in your life affect your view of life . . . and God.

My how changes and growth are synonymous.

My how growth in one person can be viewed as heretical in another.

My how things change.