
Wednesday, August 16, 2017


I left my favorite conference today to visit a gracious 93-yr old lady nearing the end of her life. The best decision of my day.

I held this dear gracious ladies hand, prayed several times with her, attempted to serve communion at her request (she was unable to swallow any elements,) and just spoke words of comfort. When I prayed for her to have peace, she repeated several times, "Yes dear Lord, grant me peace." She thanked me for stopping by and seeing her at least 50 times. I have never have I been thanked so profusely for doing seemingly so little. I hugged her, and kissed her when I left, and she cried tears of thank you. 

NEVER doubt the impact of your PRESENCE in the life of another. Your words may matter little and will probably be quickly forgotten, but your presence will not be forgotten.