A Prayer for Those Who Are . . . Struggling with Homosexual Desires
For a full explanation as to the background of these poems, go the my entry on January 16, 2011. This "link" should take you there
Dear God,
I am so confused.
I feel things that others do not understand.
I feel things that most may never understand.
Help me to understand.
I do not want to hurt others.
I do not want to be hurt by others.
I do not want to misunderstand.
I do not wish to be misunderstood and questioned.
Help me to not hurt so.
As much as I can heal . . .
heal me.
As much as I can change . . .
change me.
As much as I can cope . . .
help me cope.
As much as I must accept
help me accept.
This will not be easy.
I need You and Your love.
I need others and their support.
I ask for Your strength.
I ask for Your wisdom.
I ask for Your help
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