
Sunday, April 24, 2005

Finding Your Purpose - Part 1: Questions for Reflection

Have you ever been in an emotional slump? By that I mean have you ever been in a period where you just “do not care?” It may have been caused by burn out, by circumstances at work or at home, by a physical or health related issue, it could be seasonally related (he writes in late April with snow on the ground!) or by a relationship that gave you a hit. It really does not matter the cause, the end result was the same. You tanked and you tanked hard.

To that I say, “Been there – done that – bought the t-shirt.”

Over the years I have had to take some time alone just to recharge when those times hit. As I alluded in yesterday’s blog I am nearing that in my personal life now. That is saying a lot for a man who is totally an extrovert by anyone’s definition. What do you do when you face those times where you need to be alone and evaluate your purpose, your direction, or your very existence?

This is the first segment of a two phase offering about how to handle those life directing sorts of queries. As I mentioned in yesterday’s introductory blog, I see this as a two phase event. This first piece is more immediate. It is more here and now. I do not think we can begin to ask and evaluate future oriented things (such as life mission) when we are struggling in the “today.” So, here is my offering to help deal with today. These questions have often helped me evaluate what is transpiring in my life at present.

I cannot fully recall where they came from. As best I remember, I originally got them from a lecture series a decade ago on helping pastors and ministry professionals (don’t you just hate that phrase?!) avoid the dangers of burnout. However, I think they cross all career and life situational lines.

To quote yesterday’s blog, “These have proven very helpful when I am losing my center, drifting from my direction, doubting my gifts, closing in on burnout, been taking a few too many hits, or just plain feeling lousy.”

My prayer is they may do the same for you.

Questions to Ask During Personal Reflection

1. What do I do best?
2. What three decisions are causing me the most stress?
3. What is overwhelming me?
4. What single impassable roadblock has me stumped?
5. If I could only do three things before I die, what would they be? (This differentiates the important from the urgent.)
6. What should I resign from or drop out of?
7. Without procrastinating, ask honestly, what can I postpone?
8. What things on my “to do” list, can someone else do 80% as well? If they can, give it to them.
9. What are the elephants in my schedule? (“If you are Noah and the ark is sinking, look for the elephants first.” - Italian Economist)
10. What three things could I do in the next 90 days that would make a 50% difference?
11. What is my dream?
12. What is my passion?