
Friday, April 01, 2005


April showers bring May flowers.

As you read that if you said to yourself: “Yeah and we know what May flowers bring . . . Pilgrims.” I'm going to smack you!

“April showers . . .” There is something about that little phrase that makes you want to smile and throw up at the same time. You know it states a fairly consistent meteorological truth; but at the same time you hate to hear its trite sound. This is the month of April. This is the month that signifies the real arrival of spring (not just the one on the calendar.) We fly kites, go on hikes, take walks and start to let the kids play outdoors, but not barefoot yet.

Spring marks a beginning. It is also a transition, a change. Many of us hate change, hate transition, hate everything associated with it. But it is an inescapable fact of life. We simply cannot avoid it, try as we might.

What is changing in your life? If something is, then something is beginning.

Beginning. Sounds cool. A new baby begins life. Newlyweds begin life together. Couples that have been married for many years can begin life anew when the children leave home. (At least that is what I have heard!) Political candidates begin a term of office. Okay, so that last one kind of messed up the flow of this thing. I'm sorry.

Christ is the God to offer new beginnings. He said: “I am making everything new!” Revelation 21:5

What in your life would you like to change? Everyone has something. Perhaps you would like to change your job, your plans, a relationship, or your old habits. New beginnings offer that opportunity. Even unexpected, unplanned or unwanted changes can offer new beginnings.

One day everything will be changed. The old order of things will pass away. But, what about now? Can we not enjoy a taste of that here? Certainly. It is all in the attitude. The Christ that will one day change everything is right now in control of the changes in your life, even the ones you don't like.

Don't let change bring you down. Look on it as a “new beginning.” A chance to start anew. A chance to correct the old mistakes. A chance to really enjoy life as it was meant to be enjoyed. “I am come that they” (His sheep) “might have life, and have it to the full!” John 10:10 Howard Hendricks says that means: “I am come that they might have life, I mean really live!” When was the last time you enjoyed “really living?” Don't blame changes or beginnings. They could be the doorway to your “real life” if you would only stop fighting them.

But what if I blow it again? No problem Christ will let you begin again . . . again.