
Wednesday, April 20, 2005

The Danger of Completion

There is a certain joy that comes from the completion of a task. A long distance runner can describe the “runners high” that comes upon completion of a race. Politicians have a sense of elation when an election is complete. A builder loves to see the final stages of a building project. And a writer enjoys the last pages of a book more so than the first.

There is a danger in that feeling. What? You may be saying. Sure. Scripture includes examples of such. David’s sin came after his biggest battles were over. Peter made his mistake of condemning the Gentiles (Galatians 2) after having his work with the Jews reach a success. Mark deserted Paul and Barnabas after agreeing to accompany them on the mission trip. The children of Israel gripped after being delivered from Egypt.

Why does that happen? One reason is that I think we become complacent. We let down our guard. We drop our shield and the enemy sneaks the sword in our heart. I must be on the alert now. I have completed a goal. I must keep my shield in the “ready” position. I must not let the enemy drop me now. The higher you climb the further you fall.

I am very aware that I must be on the alert. A lot of things are taking place in my present ministry location and life. Many good things this summer will come to completion. I had better be on the lookout. The enemy would love to see a fall at this stage in the game.

What goal have you achieved? A new job? A promotion? A new degree? A new home? You fill in your blank. Put up your shield! This could be your most vulnerable moment.