
Saturday, December 09, 2017

My Journey With Cancer - Part 2

December 6, 2017 - Purpose
So, before I write any more posts on this topic let me answer the question, “Why I am writing and recording this?” Three reasons come to mind.
    1. It is a way to keep folks informed without having to restate time and time again, all that has/is going on.
    2. I can let everyone know what I am really feeling / thinking in the moment. In so doing, it will require me to think it through.
    3. This can serve as a record of my journey.

Like I referenced above, this is not our family’s first foray into the cancer battle. In 2010 my wife was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer. She fought a valiant fight, and is cancer free today. I kept an ongoing log of her journey on the site Caring Bridge and posted links on social media. You can read that here https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/kaymann as it is still online. I learned three things from writing that.
   1. It helped people who genuinely wanted to know what was going on to keep informed. It allowed them an insight into the journey. I was thanked so often by folks for keeping that information updated.
   2. Even today, after having bound copies printed, it serves as our record of what we endured.
   3. It was therapeutic for me to write it.

The goals are quite similar. I imagine the outcomes will be too. The biggest difference is this one is in first person. 


Dianne said...

Oh Terry, how i hated to hear this news. There just are no words for things like this. But thank you for courageously sharing your journey, and know you are being lifted up daily in my prayers.

Unknown said...

We ask for prayers for your recovery at Grace community Presbyterian Church in Lower Burrell. Our hearts and prayers to you and your family.