
Tuesday, March 01, 2005


What motivates you? What gets you into gear? What moves you off of dead center? Something does. Unless of course you never do anything, that then, is a horse of a different color.

Everyone who knows me very well can testify to the fact that I am a people person. People energize me. They get me going. I enjoy being around others, doing for others, teaching others; you name it.

I also study people. What is it that makes them tick? Why do they do what they do? What was the motivating factor in their actions? People are not the same in this area. The reasons behind actions are as varied as the shapes of snowflakes.

Some are controlling individuals. Their motivation is simply to be “in charge.” What it is doesn't really matter it seems, as long as things are done their way. Others respond to compliments. To them, a compliment is like a carrot on a stick. Keep it out in front of them and they will go after it like ants at a picnic.

There are several examples of this at the location where I worked as a welder while in seminary. One of the men, (I'll call him Jack) hated to work on Saturday. If you were tell Jack on Thursday that he may have to work Saturday, he would put out at least twenty-five per cent more product over the next two shifts. Another (I'll call Caleb) worked harder when you made him mad. Go by his job site; criticize Caleb or anger him in any other fashion and he will work like a mad man for the rest of the day.

Those are things to stimulate. But what should motivate the life of a Christian. Paul said it best: “Christ's love compels us.” That should be our most basic motivator.

As you stand at the brink of spring in 2005, ask yourself the question: “What exactly is my motivation? Am I compelled by the love of Christ, or by something else?”

I love people; but that is not why I am motivated to work like I do. It is Christ's love for me, and mine for Him. In the final analysis, nothing else can be a lasting motivator. All else will grow pale and dim. Christ's love is unchanging and unceasing.

What motivates you? Fear? Greed? Or any of a thousand other things? I hope it is the love of and for Christ that keeps you going. If not, ask yourself another question: “Why isn't it?” Is your relationship with Him on the level that it should be? Is there a relationship at all? Do you spend time with Him? Do you ask for His assistance? For that matter, do I as the writer of this blog?

What better way to enter spring, than by having your connection to the God of the universe in proper alignment. Why not move through the remainder of the year letting the love of Christ compel you in your service and your life? Why not make that a goal for the remainder of this and every year?