
Monday, October 31, 2005

Out of Africa: Part 2 – Letting My Brain Catch Up

On my recent trip to Africa, I disciplined myself to keep a daily journal of what transpired and how I felt about it. These entries are from that journal.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

For the most part I spent the day becoming acclimated to the time change. I took a 2-1/2 hour nap which is very unusual for me. I discovered a Business Center here so I was able to do some email in addition to getting to know some of the rest of the team. Most are my age or older. About 75% are pastors and 75% are male.

At the opening dinner which included 45 minutes of sharing why we were here, I had an interesting experience. As the others were sharing their reasons I wondered what I would say. After hearing a couple of personal stories from World Vision folks about how this had impacted them and others, I caught myself saying, “God, what are you up to?” When it was my turn to share I very briefly told about the miracles that took place just to get me here (and there were several), and how I tried to get out of it but God continually removed every obstacle. So my final comment was to share the above question and say, “I want the answer to that question.”