
Thursday, May 12, 2005


My good friend Terry (this is no typo - see link below) is in LA at a "conference" on ministry. He is also a pastor who I learn quite a bit from. In reading his updates from LA I was aware how important it is to hear from friends. I will probably talk more about that in the future. But not today. Today is a totally different angle.

While I was thinking about the importance of friends I received via snail mail a piece of prose from a person who attends my church on occasion. Her name is Lynne Turka. I first met her during a Divorce Recovery Workshop I led for a decade and a half. Almost two years ago I officiated at Lynne's wedding to her husband John. Shortly after the wedding Lynne was diagnosed with cancer. Her battle with this disease has actually gone very well. She is listed as a cancer survivor. However, the piece she sent me is a worthwhile read on an issue that many of us face. Those of us who have not had to face this do not realize how true these words are. Tomorrow I intend to begin writing a bit about my Mom, but today I could not have written anything better than Lynne's words.

Survivor n. one who or that which survives

Here's to surviving Cancer . . . . . . . .
Now there's a word to cause pause for thought . . . and terror. "You have cancer." Hear those words, one sentence, one day. You will never be the same again. Terror, Fear, Acceptance, Hope. From the day that you picked out the clothes that you will be buried in to the day that you realized you will survive, cancer will forever be a part of your life. It can destroy you. It can create you. There are no guarantees that it will ever completely go away. But . . . . . . . it makes you realize that every day counts. Every sunrise and sunset is a blessing. Flowers blooming, gentle breezes blowing, beautiful sunny summer days, fall flowers, roaring fires and snowflakes. These are comforts, and you learn to appreciate the simple things in life. You learn to slow down, look around you. Keep your faith and believe in the power of prayer. Appreciate life. Appreciate your family. Appreciate your friends. Most of all appreciate yourself. For you are a survivor and you have found that life is really good. No matter how much time we have on this earth, we find that our time is precious. If we spend one day when we smiled and made someone"s day just a little better, then our time is well spent.

Cancer . . . Terror or Hope. We feel both. But the outcome is up to you. Choose well my friend.
Lynne Turka
April 30, 2005