
Thursday, June 16, 2005

Salt Lake City – Day 3

Today was a very unique day. The schedule is purposely set up with some free time so you can hike, nap, talk, or whatever strikes your fancy. I decided to take a tram ride to the top of the peak here. Our lodge is at 8,100 feet in altitude. The tram took us to 11,000 feet. From that point the view is absolutely breathtaking. The beauty and wonders of God’s creation astounds you! There is still a lot of snow. Skiing is still open until July 4 for the die hards. There were 1,000 skiers up here last weekend I was told.

As we rode up I was aware of the vast number of places where water was draining as the snow melts in the heat that is presently 85 at the base and 50 at the crest. This was my first experience of watching drainage of this proportion due to melting snow. Once we were at the crest and I looked out over the beauty of the Rockies I was taken with the old Rich Mullins song, “Awesome God.”

Our God is an awesome God
He reigns from heaven above
With wisdom, power, and love
Our God is an awesome God

As I complete day 3 here, I rest in the fact that our God truly is an awesome God. You too my friend should rest in that fact. I do not know what you are facing today. But I know the God we serve. As they used to say in my Baptist days, “I may not know what tomorrow holds, but I know who holds tomorrow!”

There is nothing . . . nothing I can or should add to that today.