
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Missional with a Capital “M” – Part 5

I am nearing the end of the posts that are primarily quotes from Origins and Ethos. This entry and next will simply be those final quotes.

“Movements are sustained by having non-negotiables. If you have non-negotiables that means that everything else is negotiable.” – Erwin

“If you do not know what is most important to you, you hold on to everything.” – Erwin

“There is so much potential, so much untapped, unused potential in the church.” – Erwin

“Blogs are a form of human migration. It used to be that migrations were geographic, especially in ancient human history. Then in the 20th century humans migrated into cities. Now humans are migrating into cyberspace and we see that with blogs. There are 27 million blogs. That number doubles every 5.5 months. 13.7 million of them are still active after three months. As we ride the wave into cyberspace, we have to ask how can we push it down again so folks do not live on their pc screen?” – Alex

“How do we model for folks that we need to live our lives beyond me? Everything is calling us to move to – to momentum – to live beyond ourselves.” – Alex

“Creativity is the result of Spirituality.” - Alex

“You can’t teach a person to share Christ until they love someone who does not know Christ.” – Erwin

“If you live a low risk Christian life, you are 98% guaranteed that your kids will walk away from the church.” – Erwin

“Buddha is the one who sits, not Jesus. So why have we made coming to sit as our goal and not activity?” – Erwin

“Why do we not see every person as being creative? We confuse being artistic with being creative.” – Erwin

“You have no control over whether you have 1, 5 or 10 talents. But you have 100% control over what you do with them.” – Erwin

“To talk about ourselves as if we do not have a talent or a gift is dishonoring to God.” – Erwin

“We have created a religion of passivity. If I do good, it is God. If I do bad, it is me. So, we sit and do nothing.” – Erwin

“We have to value and unleash creativity in everyone if we expect people to release it in themselves.” – Erwin

“What is the ½ step we can take that will move us in the direction we need to go?” – Erwin

“What is the one thing we can do that would make a difference?” – Erwin and Staff